Monday, March 31, 2008

Money Matters

A new post by Vicki Forman, "Special Needs Mama" on tax time and parenting special needs kids.

Click HERE to read it.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

March Madness: Andrew's Season

Preparing for the Bunny

Well, there is snow on the ground and Joe has been diagnosed with strep throat, but everyone in our house is hopping and ready to search for eggs and baskets tomorrow. Here is the Easter Bunny Rap sent to us from Aunt Katheryn that keeps our spirits up. To rap with the bunny go here:

Friday, March 21, 2008


Happy World Down Syndrome Day! 3.21 = to represent 3 chromosomes on the 21st pair. Last year I devoted the day to teaching units on diversity in Emma's elementary school. This week I am hanging with the kids watching it snow. Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUTU! We think it is cool that Tutu's birthday is also Down Syndrome Awareness Day. In honor of both of them, this is the first digital photo that I have of Joe & Tutu. Joe is 6 months old in this photo and Tutu is something like 28 years old (which would have made me about 15 years old, but I am not a math genius). In 4 1/2 years Joe has grown so much!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Baby, Right or Wrong

A thoughtful article printed in the Guardian written by a pregnant woman with Usher's Syndrome on prenatal testing. Click HERE to read it.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mother-Son St. Patrick's Day Dance

Here we are pretending to be Irish before the big dance.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Writer's Workshop

Anna Celenza is visiting us this week. This morning she was a guest author for Writer's Workshop in Emma's class. The students had read her books and listened to the CDs before she visited. During her time with the second graders she talked about developing ideas for stories. Emma was very proud to have Anna in her classroom.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Vicki Forman "Special Needs Mama" reviews Jennifer Graf Groneberg's new book "Road Map to Holland" HERE.

An Abassador Against Fear

Beverly Beckham has published another excellent essay about her 4-year-old granddaughter Lucy. In it she mentions Jennifer's new book "A Road Map to Holland" (see Pinwheels blog) and all the rest of us in the T21 blogging world. Click HERE to read the essay.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

T21 Community in Wyoming???

Joe & Kieren at the library

Joe, Emma & Kieren

Joe had a play date this morning with 2 1/2-year-old Kieren. They hung out in the playroom and then we went to the East Lansing Public Library to see miniature horses. It was funny to see horses in the library! Emma spent time at the craft table while the boys watched the horses. Kieren's family is moving to Laramie, WY. Does anyone know anyone in that area? They will be looking for doctors, services, a community group---the whole deal.

Swimming his way to spring

Joe & Ross

Joe is back in swim lessons with the MSU Kinesiology Dept students. This semester he swims once a week with Ross. He is also continuing horseback riding, private speech therapy, and on Friday nights he and Emma play basketball with friends.