Saturday, November 28, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Book Report #2

This month Emma's class was assigned the mystery genre for their book reports. The teachers asked the students to write an advertisement for the book. Emma chose Tracy Barrett's, The Sherlock Files #1, and made a poster to encourage classmates to go to the library and read the book.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Horseback riding

The kids had their horseback riding lesson today. It is hard to believe that it is warm enough in November to ride outside without a coat.

Choir Concert

Emma is 5th from the left on the top row.

Cookies and punch reception with pal Kirsten

Emma had her winter concert last night. All three choirs sang separately and joined together for the final song "Oye." The photo (it was too dark for my camera!) is of all three choirs: the MSU prep choir (grades 2-4), the Community Music Singers (grades 5-7) and the MSU Children's Choir (high school). Emma is in the prep choir.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Did Anyone See This?

Last night on BBC2 "Can We Get Married?" This is a documentary film about Ben & Emma two people in their late twenties exploring the idea of living as a married couple. Both Ben & Emma have T21. I haven't seen it yet. Has anyone seen this documentary? What did you think?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Joe reading and counting in school

This is from Mrs. Olance's blog.