Sunday, January 30, 2011

Something new: skating

Yesterday we went to Munn Ice Arena on the MSU campus for the free skate session. It was our first time at the rink and Emma's first time ice skating! I think it was the first time I have skated in over 20 years. Emma brought her friend Elizabeth and we had a great time. Emma did really well. All of the rollerskating has really paid off. Next weekend: cross-country skiing!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Grace and Emma at yesterday's MSU gymnastics meet

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cake walk

On Saturday we went to the CADSA family winter fun day. I always wish that more families would attend this event but its winter, a holiday weekend, and everyone is over-scheduled. We had a good time seeing friends, playing games and, of course, participating in the beloved cupcake walk. Joe and Emma love this game. The bottom photo is of Joe rushing to get his cupcake after "number 10" was called. He was standing on the number 10 rug.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Oneder Fund

A boy and his ipad

Remodel: almost done!

The banquette is done but we still need cushions, curtains for the windows and some art on the walls. The storage cabinet is done and quickly filling up!

Actually, I do have a phd.

My pal at the Sneathen Family blog posted this video that we shared over facebook last month. It really cracked me up so I decided I needed to post it on my blog too. Joe is in the process of being evaluated by the school psychiatrist for his three-year reevaluation. This is particularly funny to me and Chris since we both have phds but neither of us have beards. I am beginning to understand that the beard is key.

Friday, January 07, 2011

joe and calvin

Calvin looking longingly at the snack closet and wondering when this ordeal will be over.