Check out what your community is doing. If you are in the Lansing Area Cindy Kress (324-3926) at the East Lansing B&N is planning the event. Possible date is Sunday afternoon, Feb. 25th. Below is the letter from NDSS.
Dear Affiliates,
We are thrilled to announce that 500 Barnes & Noble stores across the country will hold special “Storytime” events for children ages six to eight in February to raise awareness about Down syndrome.
The events will also incorporate readings from Melissa Riggio’s article “I Have Down Syndrome,” which was recently published in National Geographic Kids. Melissa is the 18-year-old daughter of Steve Riggio, CEO of Barnes & Noble, Inc. and a member of the National Down Syndrome Society’s Board of Directors.
Melissa wrote in her article, “It’s true that I don’t learn some things as fast as other people. But that won’t stop me from trying. I just know that if I work really hard and be myself, I can do almost anything.”
We encourage you to contact the Community Relations Manager at your local Barnes & Noble store(s) to get involved in these exciting events! You can participate by:
Encouraging your members to attend the events through your web site, e-mail distribution, and/or newsletter;
Assisting your B&N Community Relations Manager with local media outreach;
Providing brochures, flyers or other materials about your local group’s programs to be available at the events (Note: A limited number of copies of the “About Down Syndrome” brochure from NDSS will be available at each event);
Following up with schools/educators in your community after the event with information about Everyone Counts: Teaching Acceptance & Inclusion, the NDSS disability awareness curriculum for grades K-6.
Please click here to see the list of Barnes & Noble stores participating in the Down syndrome awareness events and their respective Community Relations Managers. (If there is not a Community Relations Manager at your local store, you can contact the main number listed.)
If you have any questions, please contact Erin Geller at or 212-763-4379
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