Wednesday, June 13, 2007


We received word today that all of Joe's screenings have come back within normal limits! It is so good to have the leukemia test behind us for another year and to know that his thyroid is stable with the meds. I'm not sure if we need to repeat the Celiac Disease screening--anyone know? In other news, I forgot to take photos at Chris's tenure party or before we went out last night for our eight-year anniversary. Oh well, everything doesn't need to be photo documented.


Christina said...

Yay on the test results! I have no idea about the Celiac screening...

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

I'm glad the test results were good. I'm not sure about the Celiac screening - sorry!

RK said...

Very good...part of my business is medical documentation, and it's amazing how those three letters that I see hundreds of times a day have a whole new way of bringing a sigh of relief! WNL...I'll take it!

Tammy and Parker said...

We are doing the Happy Dance here for you guys!

Tricia said...

Great about the test results! And i know what you mean about photos--sometimes you just have to BE in the moment.