Thursday, September 25, 2008


Thanks to Where There's a Will blog for thinking of me! Her son Will is close to Joe's age and is also taking swimming this fall.

I am now required to mention Mammadawg as the creator of this award. I just visited her blog for the first time. The award has been given to more than 500 bloggers. Check it out at the Kick A$$ blogger headquarters. As part of the award I am happy to pass it on to 5 more of my favorite bloggers. I giving the award to:

1. Michelle at the Sneathen Family blog: Michelle is a neighbor and friend who writes about life with two boys, one who happens to be on the spectrum. She just began blogging this fall.

2. My sister-in-law Jen who also recently began blogging. Visit her HERE and check out her list of 32 things to do before she turns 33.

3. My other sister-in-law who took over the family blog. She writes about raising 1 boy, waiting for another to arrive and keeping Blue off of the couch. Their family blog inspried me to start my own a few years ago. Click HERE to see cousin Paul trying on Joe's old Halloween costumes. I think the monkey costume suits these cousins well.

4. Liliana's father who chronicles Liliana's life at Lilienna!!! I love reading about her and watching her grow through the great photos and videos.

5. Michele at Elliot's Expeditions. Michele always has up-to-date news about T21 and thoughful posts about parenting her terrific children.

Congratulations all!


Michelle S. said...

Thanks Amy. I appreciate your support! It's beginning to be strange to see random people I don't know leaving comments. It's nice that they are positive. Thanks to you! I love reading your blog!

Archie said...

Thanks! I guess I should post more than once a month :) Maybe check the link to Lili's blog - It went to another blog with a similar spelling...
Congrats and thanks again!

Jennifer said...

Amy, thanks for the award! :) You are the one who inspired ME to join the blogging world and I am enjoying it now more than I thought I would!! I actually looked for an award to give YOU a few months ago but the only one I could find was all in Spanish and I couldn't figure out how to send it to you. :)

Michelle said...

YOU are such a sweetie!