Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Horse Performance

Once a month Joe's class goes to C.H.U.M. hippotherapy in Mason to ride horses with Bonnie. Joe has been riding with Bonnie since he was 13 months old (5 years). Emma started riding last summer. I was delighted when I learned that Joe would also ride with his class this year. To celebrate their achievements this year, Bonnie brought some of the horses to Red Cedar School and the whole school watched the Horse Performance this morning. It was so fun to see Joe riding with his classmates and to hear his school cheer for them. Joe is the smallest rider (and youngest in his class) wearing the oversized tee-shirt and brown pants. To read more about C.H.U.M. click the link on the right "Joe's Hippotherapy."

1 comment:

Michelle S. said...

Amy you are so awesome. I'm so glad we are friends!! Well done.