Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another One Gone!

Telling Tutu all about losing her 4th tooth

Joe & Emma

Emma lost her fourth tooth yesterday. She had been wiggling it for a couple of days and finally she yanked it out with some encouragement from Chris. I sat in the other room with my eyes closed and my hands over my ears. As Emma says, "loose teeth give Mom the freaks!"


Kim Ayres said...

Time to buy her an eyepatch and 3 cornered hat, for certain.

jennifergg said...

loose teeth give me the freaks, too!!!

Michelle said...

But she looks so darn cute! I know - not much into loose toothers either!

Camille said...

Pleased to meet you, too. Your children are adorable. Funny how we have "Amy and Emma" in our families. Amy was 8 when Emma was born and she chose her sister's name. Emma has lost 4 teeth so far and it really bothers her when they are loose. She has one growing right now and, as she opens her mouth, she says: look, tooth, it's coming...