Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Joe is in the Lansing State Journal today! Click HERE to read the article and see the photos in the Lansing State Journal.

A photo of Joe riding Splash is on the East Lansing Public School page. Click through three photos to find Joe. Click HERE to see "Joe D."


Michelle S. said...

he is the most photographed kid that I know!! because he is so adorable!

Beverly said...

Love that photo!

Timothy and Beth said...

Splash is so handsome!! Just like his rider! What great photos!

Judy Bess said...

Amy dear and family,
Mini sent me the photos and I sat here with both a smile and tears, I am sooo proud of Joseph!What an acomplishment. I would like new pics of Joe and Emma for my refrig. are you going to be in Boston at all this summer? Love to all of you Judy